The Franklinville-Schwarzwald Männerchor is pleased to announce a unique event on Friday, September 14, 2018 at 6:00 pm: Community Singing of best-loved and well-known German Folk Songs. That’s right: it’s a singalong; a Mitsingen! We’ve decided this year we want to feature Seemannslieder and Rheinische Lieder (i.e. sailor’s songs and songs about the Rhine river and the region (especially the wine!)).
In between sets of four or five songs sung in unison with audience participation, the Männerchor will be delighting people with the unique sound of a men’s chorus singing in multi-voice harmony. In addition, we will feature classical instrumental interludes, and vocal soloists.
German folk songs have such a rich cultural heritage and are so full of all kinds of emotions, from the joy of Nature, to the pain of the homesick sailor, the exuberance of the star-crossed wanderer, the innocence of first love, the enjoyment of friends and drinking, and so much more. Let’s pass on this precious cultural heritage to the coming generations!
Lyrics to all the songs will be provided, as well as English translations. If interested, songbooks with the notes, lyrics, and translations will be available for purchase.
We are also privileged to have Peter Kadel, a Sr. Fellow of the Imperial Society of Ballroom Dancing, donating his time to provide a free hour-long dance lesson before the singing starts to anyone who wishes to learn the Rheinländer Dance. This dance combines elements of pair-dancing with formation dancing. What a unique opportunity to learn this delightful and graceful folk dance from a real master! After the singing, music will be provided for plenty of time to put your newly learned skill into practice. Come sing and dance, and enjoy!
Jacqueline Smith directs this unique combination of community singing, choral performance, instrumental interludes and classical music.
Admission price includes a bratwurst dinner with trimmings. Bring the whole family! ($10 admission for children under 12). Drinks may be purchased at the VE’s full bar. Additionally, Kaffee und Kunchen (coffee and cake) will be available for $4.